Does Saffron Expire

Does Saffron Expire

Does Saffron Expire

All food products eventually expire one day. The same goes for saffron. It is true that saffron has a long shelf life, but if it is stored properly, it can be used for up to 4 years. In fact, it is the storage conditions of saffron that can prevent the loss of quality and increase its shelf life. If saffron is not stored in the right conditions, its appearance may not change, but it loses many of its properties. Such saffron has little coloring and fragrance power. Expiry date is the date written on the saffron package. You can use saffron as long as it has been stored in good conditions and there are no signs of deterioration. The only danger of expired saffron is that it does not have a strong color, aroma and flavor, and of course its properties will probably be very low. In fact, in simpler terms, we can say that saffron does not spoil, but has a long shelf life, after which it loses its properties and other characteristics to a large extent.

Basically, according to medical science and biochemical research that has been done on saffron in Iran and European countries, there is no such thing as corruption of saffron. The definition of corruption is clear, when the use of a food or anything else can cause disease, infection and poisoning; In fact, we can use this definition. But on the other hand, there is a possibility that after two to three years, the benefits of saffron will decrease.If there is no date written on the packaging, consider that saffron will probably have its best aroma and flavor after a few years, but over time these characteristics will decreased. To store fresh saffron, it is better to dry it first and then grind it. There is a compound called safranal in saffron. The aroma of saffron is due to the presence of safranal. This compound is non-volatile picrocrocin in fresh saffron. The longer the life of saffron, the more picrocrocin is converted to safranal and saffron loses its quality. Saffron is available in two forms, string and powder, and usually the both best time of use is indicated on the packaging.

Saffron Storage Method

The method of keeping saffron in the freezer is also one of the techniques that was popular among people in different cities for years. But it must be said that it is completely wrong, because over time it can cause moisture absorption and also reduce the pigment tissues of this plant. Saffron practically does not become expired and unusable in its usual state; But it may lose its key properties.Another method is to use various sealing and vacuum packages that are available in the market. These packages, which are mainly in the form of plastic, will not have a way for air to penetrate. Even if you put saffron in them and put it in a water container, you will notice that saffron does not get wet. When you don’t have sealed and vacuum plastic bags, you can use all kinds of containers with lids. Researchers’ studies have shown that the maximum stability of pigments and maintaining the quality of saffron is between 5 and 23% humidity. Relative humidity between 57 and 75% is the lowest state of stability of pigments and this humidity causes the decomposition of picrocrocin, crocin, etc., which as a result reduces the shelf life and quality of saffron. Therefore, saffron should be placed in a condition that prevents the transfer and absorption of moisture to it. Now, you know the anwser of question “does saffron expire?”

Saffron Storage Tips

Therefore, if you want to store saffron for a long time while maintaining its properties, be sure to pay attention to the following points to aviod saffron expire.

Dry the saffron

If you have bought fresh saffron, the first step is to dry it. To dry saffron, put the saffron strings on a paper towel or thin cloth and leave them in a dry and warm place. Almost after a week, the fresh saffron strands dry

Use a suitable container

Saffron should be stored in a glass container away from air circulation. The container used must block the entry of air from the outside and must have a lid. Therefore, choose a container that minimizes the amount of air in contact with the saffron. Also, do not use plastic containers to store saffron, because it leads to a decrease in the quality of this spice.

Avoid direct light

Saffron is very sensitive to light. If this spice is exposed to a lot of light or direct light, it loses its color and aroma. Therefore, it is better to use a container that is not transparent and prevents light from entering. Also, put this container in a dark shelf.

Use a suitable shelf for storage

As we said, saffron should be stored in a dark shelf. Therefore, choosing a shelf that is closed from light and of course cool is suitable for storing saffron. Cabinets are usually a good choice for storing saffron. If the cabinet is wooden and it is far from the gas stove or heat sources, it will be a suitable choice for storing saffron.

Environment Temperature

The most ideal storage temperature for saffron is below 20°C (68°F). If possible, avoid storing saffron in the refrigerator, because by removing saffron from the refrigerator, saffron moisture is lost and temperature changes can cause various problems, including strands sticking together and mold growth. It is interesting to know that the refrigerator can maintain the quality of saffron for only two weeks. Therefore, it is not a suitable choice for storing saffron.

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